Farm Equipment Auctions, Heavy Equipment Auctions, Truck Auctions, Trailer Auctions

An Auction produced by Kaddatz is your most effective means of turning your farm equipment and land assets into cash.

Established in 1950, we are a family business, making our mark as highly skilled professionals, providing each client with direct, personal service and customized marketing plans.

Contact us to book your auction today!

Auction Services

Kaddatz Auctioneering offers professional auction services:

  • An analysis of your situation and recommendation of a specialized auction strategy

  • The ability to auction items online anywhere in the U.S.

  • A strategic marketing plan including advertising development & placement, internet web page, brochure creation, and design, targeted direct mail, and email databases.

  • Internet advertising with specialized pages for your auction, including detailed auction information, full inventory listing, and color photos

  • Site and asset preparation, including all pre-auction logistics and set-up, tent and equipment rentals, supervised inspections, catering, pre-auction security, and registration

  • Live Auctions, Live/ Online Simulcast, and Online Only Option

  • Professional auction staff to execute your auction, including professional auctioneers, clerks, bid spotter team, office staff, and security personnel

  • Post-auction checkout and asset removal

  • Computerized post-auction reporting, including a summary of auction proceeds reports, itemized asset sale reports, sales tax collection reports, inventory schedules, and registration/buyer lists

Alvin Kaddatz Farm & Heavy Equipment/ Auctioneer/ Appraisals Lic# TX6676, AR2283

Travis Kaddatz, Real Estate/ Auctioneer/ Appraisals, Lic# TX16308,

Carson Kaddatz, Firearms FFL/ Auctioneer/ Appraisals/

We conduct live farm equipment auctions and online farm machinery auctions. We auction brands like John Deere, Case IH, Agco, New Holland, Kubota, and many others.